"As Jesus and his disciples were on their way, he came to a village where a woman named Martha opened her home to him. She had a sister called Mary, who sat at the Lord's feet listening to what he said." Luke 10:38-39
Martha had the privilege of hostessing Jesus. Jesus actually came to her house. Instead of sitting at His feet like her sister Mary did, Martha worked and actually complained to Jesus that Mary wasn't helping her enough. Jesus gently chided Martha, and affirmed Mary's choice to sit and spend time with Him in the middle of all the work that had to be done.
I laughed as I read this devotional because I am SO guilty of trying to be Martha...not just Martha in this verse but Martha Stewart too! I have a VERY difficult time sitting down...don't get me wrong, I love to sit and watch my favorite shows that I've taped all week in the comfort of my own home...but while I'm watching the television (or really listening to the television), I am also checking emails, reading blogs, cooking dinner, washing a load of clothes, making greeting cards, cleaning the kitchen cabinets, checking my twitter, vacuuming, feeding the dog....need I go on??? I pride myself in being a MAJOR multi-tasker, but this is getting out of control!! Now I must admit that I do take the time in the mornings and devote my entire drive to work to Jesus. I reflect on the verse I have chosen for the day, say thanks to Him for all the many blessings I have received, pray for all the people on my P-List (Prayer List), and ask for a peaceful and productive day. But, what I really feel as if I should do is just STOP!!! Set aside more time than that daily morning drive for Him. Let the dishes pile up in the sink, let the DH help with washing the clothes, spend more time with the DH and my puppy, and overall just set aside MORE time for Him. After reading this devotional I made a promise to myself to try and be more like Mary, not Martha. But I'm going to need some help. Would you join me?
Dear Heavenly Father, Thank You for sending Jesus to be a companion during my hectic days. Help me to remember that peace can only be found when I choose to set aside the pressing demands of my life, and quiet myself with You. Teach me to look for Jesus' presence in the middle of my hectic schedule. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

I will join you! That sounds familiar to my life too. There are a lot of things that can wait, but I feel I HAVE to get them done. I'm going to work on this with you.
Thank you for sharing this today!
We live in NC. How about ya'll? I need to practice being Mary also. It is really weird but my great aunts are twins and their names are Mary and Martha and they fit perfect with their names.
That story hits home with me, too. It was one of my daily devotionals a while back. . .Thanks for the reminder about it. Maybe all women are guilty of trying to do 5 million things at once... Nice post.
Thank you for the reminder! I am terrible about being a Martha! Everything always has to be perfect and I am constantly multitasking.
I love this and totally find myself being a Martha more than a Mary. There is a book a friend of mine gave me that is fantastic. It's called "Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World." You can find it at any Christian bookstore. I highly recommend it!!! You are a blessing to me, friend. Thanks for sharing this!
Oh I can SO relate!! You should read the book I am reading "Invitation to Silence and Solitude". I had no idea how impossible it was for me to just sit in silence...for even 5 minutes!! I kept feeling like the laundry was EXTREMELY important, and that all of a sudden the credit card applications (junk mail) needed to be shredded right away...when really, of course all that stuff could wait 5 minutes! It's a book all about learning to just sit at Jesus' feet, and I am loving it!!
BUT I also have to confess that I am not the best about sitting down to read it!!!! Issues. I have issues!!! =-)
I will be praying things slow down for you. You know Liana, we have to figure out how to be better at this before we are Momma's!!!!!!
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