My first purchase for the Kindle?
Hannah's Hope: Seeking God's Heart In The Midst Of Infertility by Jennifer Saake. It is absolutely amazing!! I read the first three hundred pages in one sitting and I just can't put it down. The author is relating the life of Hannah in the Bible and the struggles she faced while trying to concieve with her own struggles in the 21st century. The similarities are uncanny....watching others get pregnant so easy, attending the birth of someone else's child (showers), answering those horrible questions like "When are you going to have a family?" And the list goes on and on.
Another part of the book that I like so much is the Burden Bearer. This part of each chapter helps others understand what we are going through and how they can be more sensitive. The Burden Bearer for Chapter 2 explains how people should never ask the question "So, do you have any kids?" when they first meet someone. Instead, they should ask something more along the lines of "Tell me a little bit about yourself." Isn't this so true???
Overall I am really learning so much about myself, about Hannah, and how to release my frustrations, desires, and hopes and just let God take control. Afterall, He is already in control...I just needed to realize it.