If you are interested in purchasing any of these cards, please take a look at my Etsy store. I have quite a few others listed under the Spring section.
Happy Spring!!
2. Alone Time...
This Saturday I will get some much needed alone time. The DH is attending a bachelor party and I have the entire day to do WHATEVER I WANT!!! And what will I do?? Never fear, I can always find SOMETHING to do :)
3. My Debut...
Sunday I will be having my Mary Kary Debut Party!! I am so excited. I have invited several women over for light refreshments and to sample some Mary Kay products. I am praying for another successful Mary Kay order :) If you are in need of a little something to make you feel beautiful, check out my Mary Kay link on my sidebar.
What three things are you most thankful for this Thankful Thursday (Times Three)??
This is a four piece bag set, 3 piece Natural Cucumber/Melon set (lotion, body spray & shower gel) and a silver-tone watch. Isn't this AWESOME!! I think the bags could be used for anything...I see so many possibilities---make-up bag, diaper bag, and with the weather starting to warm up, you can use one as a BEACH bag! And the watch---so adorable!
So how can this set be yours???? I thought you'd never ask...
1. Leave a comment on this post for ONE entry.
2. Leave a comment on this post and become a follower for TWO entries.
3. Donate $5-$10 to my Chip-in for FIVE entries.
4. Donate $10-$20 to my Chip-in for TWENTY entries.
If you plan to donate, please just click on the "chip-in" button below and you will be able to make a secure donation to our IVF fund.
All entries must be made by Sunday, February 22!
I don't think she means ROAD RAGE---although I wonder that my DH suffers from this sometimes...maybe I should say ALL the time :)
Anyway, shouldn't we be like this some of the time? Not ROAD RAGE...but act like we own the road, take control of our situation, or make something happen. I must admit that I have always been a doer...I can't stand to see an opportunity pass me by. For example, I refuse to believe that because our economy is taking a downward spiral, we can't afford to go forward with our IVF plans. I thought to myself...what can I do to change this situation? I decided to create my own Etsy Store...I love making cards and what better way to relieve some stress and make money at the same time??? I also started working on my Chip-in/Giveaway on my Be Thou a Knight blog. And more recently, I decided to start selling Mary Kay. Now don't let me fool you...I am not making TONS of money on any of these three new adventures, but at least I am making a difference. And isn't that what it's all about?
I truly believe that God owns the road and I am just sitting in the passenger seat. But
it sure does make the time go by a lot quicker AND make me feel a lot better knowing that I'm contributing to this race to become a parent and not just letting it pass me by.
She was just a little over 4 pounds, so the doctors are keeping her at the hospital until she can eat on her own. I can't wait to meet her in person when I go to Houston for Spring Break.
2. Valentine's Day...
I am so thankful to celebrate Valentine's Day with the man I love. We normally plan a dinner at home, so we don't have to fight the crowds, but this year we made reservations, about a month ago, at Thai Basil. The new Thai restaurant in town...I can't wait to share this day with the DH---and Valentine's Day is on a SATURDAY this year...another thankful!
3. Blue Ribbon...
I have been working hard on completing an application for our schoo to win the Blue Ribbon Awardl. It is due on February 18th and I am SO thankful that I finished it, with the help of a co-worker, yesterday!! We stayed at the school until 6:30, but it is FINISHED!! Thank God for this one...now let's just pray that we actually WIN the award :)
I do have the faith to know that "this too shall pass" and soon we will be back on top and ready to pursue our dream of becoming parents.
So jump on over to Newlywed Central and cast your vote...the winner will be announced on February 14th!!
If truth be told...I have already cast my vote...Amy at Chapters is my nominee :)
Now we all know that what Maxine really meant to say was this...
"A man leaves his father and mother and is joined to his wife, and the two are united into one."~Ephesians 5:31
Marriage...it's something that so many women anxiously await. The romantic engagement, the beautiful wedding ceremony, and the relaxing honeymoon. But most women do not look any further than this...but marriage is so much more. To me, marriage is...spending each and every day with my soul mate, the long conversations we have at night by the fire, the family gatherings outside by our pool, the little notes we leave each other in the mornings, the walks we take with our dog, the Sundays we spend worshipping God at church, creating the family that we so long to have together...I can go on and on.
We are definitely united as one and I am so privileged and honored to have found the man that I want to spend the rest of my life with.
Honey...I love you more than the world!