The New Year Resolution Review!!!

I really debated on what my New Year's Resolutions should be this year and I didn't want to have the same old lame resolutions that are impossible to losing weight, eating better, or excercising more (although I REALLY need to do those too).
So without further ado, here are my 2010 New Year's Resolutions...
Attend church every single Sunday. I truly believe I have found the perfect church, pastor, and church family at Southpoint Community Church. I love everything about the church, what it teaches, and how personable and friendly the entire congregation is. Although I think I am pretty good about attending church, I think I can make better choices and attend EVERY single Sunday.
Put my marriage BEFORE infertility. This past year (well actually the past four years) has been spent on calculating my ovulation, raising money for infertility procedures, stressing over and over each and every month, getting tests run, and filling out adoption home study papers. INSTEAD, I plan to spend 2010 enjoying time with my husband, laughing at his corny jokes, hanging outside with him in the backyard, going out on the pontoon boat with him, and taking bike rides with him at the beach.
Stay in touch with my friends. After the loss of one of my friends almost a month ago, I remembered how important friendships are. I connected with some girls that I haven't spoken to in years and I realized just how much I enjoyed all the fun times we had together. So this year, I will stay in touch with all my friends, whether by phone calls or emails, but nonetheless, I plan to stay in touch and stay connected with what is going on in their lives and families.
So what are your resolutions for the new year? Please post about your resolutions and link up to the MckLinky below.
I hope you have a blessed 2010!!!