Tuesday, October 21, 2008

All Good Things Come to Those Who Wait...

***Mom...this is one of those posts that you might not want to read. Love you!

I have been reading on a lot of my fellow Gardeners' blogs about National Infertility Awareness Week. This topic is near and dear to my heart as the DH and I have been dealing with fertility issues since TTC in April 2006. I really pride myself in being a strong woman...not just physically but emotionally too. But I must admit, going through infertility really does give you a reality check.

The DH and I attended an Infertility Seminar this past weekend and we were both really surprised at what one of the speakers discussed. The speaker was a doctor with a Mind and Body Wellness Clinic in Jacksonville. She equated infertility issues and the stress of trying to concieve month after month to that of those experiencing Cancer. Yes, Cancer. I hope this doesn't sound insensitve, because yes, I have had a very close family member die from Cancer. But as the doctor compared the two...it did make sense. You feel as if you have NO control over something that is literally taking over your entire being. Infertility affects your mind, your spirit, your marriage, and your relationships. I feel sometimes as if my life is on this never ending roller coaster that I just can't quite get off...as I know many of you feel the same way.

I am generally a private person and like for everyone to believe that I am the strongest person alive. I attend the baby showers, I celebrate pregnancies with family and friends, and I put on the biggest smile you've ever seen. Please understand that I am SO happy for everyone that I know that has children, is pregnant, or is enjoying their babies...but those of us going through infertility want that for ourselves too.

I feel as if I was led to start this blog to help others, as well as to help myself, with this long and trying time in my life. "He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others. When others are troubled, we will be able to give them the same comfort God has given us." ~2nd Corinthians 1:4 Since starting this blog about our infertility, I have come to know and feel close to so many women struggling with the same pain that I feel month after month. I have also come to terms with the reality that my PLAN for having children is out of my control. I read this verse today..."For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord. They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope."~Jeremiah 29:11. The key that I have to constantly remind myself, is that at the center of every problem there is a purpose. Our strength grows as we lean on Him during our struggles and He hears us. He hears each and every prayer, each and every word, each and every cry. I also read "Base your happiness on your hope in Christ. When trials come, endure them patiently." Romans 12:12. This says to me that He is giving me these trials to help be stronger and to help me be patient. Which leads me to the old adage, All good things come to those who wait.

Friends...our time is coming, just be patient and wait.


Naturally Caffeinated Family said...

So well written Lianna. Hubby was reading in the old testament how so many women were not able to have children, got impatient and sent their husbands with another woman (I don't think any of us will do that :)), then at God's time they had their own...I see that as such a great reminder that God has his perfect timing. I am so sorry that you have to go through all of this though. I am so thinking about you friend!

Amanda Ledford said...

I agree!!!!! Our time will come and it may not be at OUR time, but it will be on GOD's time!
"But these things I plan won't happen right away. Slowly, steadily, surely, the time approaches when the vision will be fulfilled. If it seems slow, be patient! For it will surely take place. It will not be late by a single day." Habakkuk 2:3

I am praying for you!!!!

Kendra said...

Oh my goddness, I was going to post that same verse Amanda just did! God gave me that verse this week. I had never heard it before, or at least that I could remember, and it spoke RIGHT TO MY HEART!!
"It will not be late by a single day". What an AMAZING promise!!!!
Praying for you girl!
kendra =-)

Jodee said...

So sorry to hear about your fertility problems. Hoping and praying you get pregnant soon! Hang in there!

Mrs Anne said...

I can apply this on many levels in my life.. You and your family pass through my mind each time I pray.

I have faith that God has a beautiful plan for you, and that there is a reason for everything.

In HIS time we will discover our true gifts.


Moni Graf said...

Beautifully written, Lianna. Still thinking about you and I'm here if you ever need to talk. My email is nursemoni@gmail.com.

Love from KS,

Faith said...

I love the Hab. verse. It always encourages me. Still praying...our time IS coming!!

Candie said...

Your post was uplifting. Thank you so much for sharing. I have to ask, where is Phillips 12:12? I can't seem to find that book or verse in my NIV???
