Monday, October 12, 2009


I have a student at my school that I have taken under my wing for the past three years. He came to my school a little awkward, trying to find his place and himself. I made it a part of my daily routine to monitor his grades and discipline, communicate with his teachers, and to just have conversations with him on what is going on in his life. I have not only gotten close to him these past few years but also with his mother. He has really matured over the past three years and his mother and I have been looking forward to a successful and productive senior year. He has come a LONG way and I must say that I couldn't be more proud of him. This student is an excellent musician and I know that one day, his music will be heard all over the world.

Long story short, this student made a poor choice last week that resulted in him being suspended. I was so disappointed and literally in shock after hearing about the poor choice that he made and seriously thought I was going to burst into tears because I was so mad. I called his mom to deliver the news that he would be suspended and conferenced with the student to give him his punishment for his behavior. As expected, he apologized for his actions and I basically told him that I was disappointed in his poor choices and that we could talk more on Monday when he returned back to school.

This morning the student returned back to school and asked if he could come by and talk to me in private. After first period started, he stopped by my office to tell me that he intended to email me this weekend with a formal apology and then see me today to apologize again in person. Unfortunately, he could not find my email address, so he decided to google my name in the hopes of finding my email address. In doing so, he found this blog and decided to read it. He shared with me that he noticed that his poor decision was falling on the heels of yet another negative result in our journey to become parents. And in his words, he said the sweetest thing I have ever heard! He said "Ms. Knight, for what it's worth, I think you would make an AWESOME mom!"

Although I am not yet a mother, I am making a difference in the lives of children and this is one conversation that touched me more than I could ever put into words!


Leslee said...

awwww....that was so sweet. We loved you as our dance teacher..I know I was beyond sad to see you go when you left. Just know you have touched a lot of people! :)

Cassie_lu said...

a wonderful event to happen on a Monday. You have touched many lives since you have started in the education world and I'm sure there are many more live just waiting to interact with you.

Kristy said...

Awww, that made me cry!

Lisa said...

It is stories like these that make us appreciate all WE do for students. Too sweet!

Lisa :)

Jess said...

How sweet!!! My dh and I are youth workers and it really means a lot when one of them expresses appreciation. I am glad that he took the time to apologize as well as tell you that.

The Coach's Wife said...

So nice to feel appreciated! I love being needed and loved by my precious little ones!

The Coach's Wife said...

So nice to feel appreciated! I love being needed and loved by my precious little ones!

Lesley At Sarita Farms said...

Wow...what a smart boy....he is day you will be an awesome mom!! I pray that it will be soon and I know that the first time that you hold your precious baby you will look at him or her and say "so this is why I went through all I get you"!!! I am so thankful for my infertility, if that makes sense, because I woudn't have the children that I do!!

Laura Ann said...

This my friend is what it is all about and why we do EXACTLY what we do. It is not about the money and anybody who thinks it is, is in the wrong business.

When you have a heart for kids, they know it. No matter what anyone says, I will always believe we have the greatest profession in the world. Somedays I can not believe they pay me to do what I do and I love it, love it, love it!

I am sure there are many more students who feel the same way about you Lianna and yes, you will be a great Mommy someday SOON!

Keep up the great work.

Anonymous said...

Those sweet words make it all worth it! I am sure that you have touched more children's lives then you know.

Faith said...

Wow, that is so neat! You are definitely making a difference in the lives of so many. It's nice to be reminded of that, isn't it?

Kendra said...

WOW!!! That's so neat Lianna!!!!

Candie said...

Between yours and Alyson's blog I'm already a mess this morning! Sad tears, then happy's not even 6 am yet. (Maybe I'm just crying b/c I don't want to get on the treadmill!) I accidentally trashed an email from you yesterday! The day got away before I realized I had. I'm going to retrieve it this morning and reply. Love this story. YES! You making an amazing difference in the lives of childfren AND their families. I'm sure are an amazing counselor. So cool that he found your blog! Have a great Wednesday!

WaitingandHoping said...

That's an awesome story! I think teaching/working with children really helps us on this infertility journey!