Wednesday, September 2, 2009

9 Minutes...

Our church has been doing a series about hope for the past few Sundays. The Sunday after the AMAZING sermon I heard (if you didn't read my post, click here to catch up), Pastor Russ delivered a POWERFUL production at the end of the sermon. He told us to take the last 9 minutes of the service and meditate however we wanted or needed to...with our eyes opened or closed, with our hands raised or clasped in prayer, seated, standing, or kneeling. For the remaining 9 minutes our awesome music ministry played while this video was projected. Take a look and see what you think...

Did this 9 minutes change your life like it did mine?

1 comment:

High Heeled Mama said...

I am spending some time catching up on blogs and finally got to look at this post. The video was wonderful. Thanks for posting it. Good luck to you and your husband,you two are in our prayers.