I woke up this morning already in a bad place...frustrated with my job, irritated with my husband, and upset that we still aren't parents. Just being HONEST!
I didn't know what else to do, but pull out my Bible and pray for peace and guidance.
I randomly opened my Bible and landed smack dab in the middle of Esther. Oh, how I love her.
At the beginning of each chapter, my Bible gives a brief outline and background of each key person. I came across this paragraph in Esther's description...
"How much of your secuirty lies in your possessions, position, or reputation? God has not placed you in your present position for your own benefit. He put you there to serve Him. As in Esther's case, this may involve risking your security. Are you willing to let God be your ultimate security?"
I have to admit that I have not turned my security over to Him. I keep asking myself these same three questions over and over: What did I do wrong to not get that promotion? What's wrong with my body and why can't I get pregnant? How can we afford adoption or our next fertility treatment?
God has not placed me in my present position for my own benefit. He put me here to serve Him.
It is not up to ME!
I feel as if the devil is doing everything he possibly can to bring me down...with my job, with my marriage, with my dreams...but he will NOT succeed.
My security lies with God.
I AM willing to let God be my ultimate security.
Girls Beach Weekend Getaway
1 day ago