Monday, August 13, 2012

We Love You More Than the World...

Thanks so much for all your suggestions about this blog. This journey has been one that I want to treasure FOREVER...the good, the bad, and everything in between. My plan is to check into the recommendations that were given and have this blog printed in book form for us to reflect on and share with our sweet baby when he/she is old enough to understand the journey we traveled to bring him/her into this world.

I changed our baby blog to public, so you can view it if you'd like to keep up with our pregnancy, plans for the baby, and everything God has planned for his/her life.

The name of our new blog is We Love You More Than the World. If you'd like to know why we chose that title, please start reading our baby blog from the beginning.

I'm not sure how often (or if) I'll keep making posts to this blog, so I hope you'll keep up with us on We Love You More Than the World as we turn the next chapter in Growing Our Own Garden.


belle said...

how can i follow or subscribe to your new site? i'm so thankful that you've opened it up for those of us that are praying for this exciting blessing! :)

LOVE the pictures!

Megan said...

So so so happy for you! I'm definitely gonna keep up with you on your baby blog. :-) Are you gonna add the friend connect over there? I always forget to read blogs if I have to go to my bookmarks to find them. Yes, all about me. Lol I just don't want to miss anything. :-)

Rain in the mirror said...

I came by your blog at the beginning of this year when I was looking on learning about gardening :)...
I cried with you and I pray for you and once in awhile, I will stop by. God always honors the ones that trust & wait on Him. As you you said it have been a journey with lots of ups and downs and to decide to keep trusting I believe, it have not been easy and it does not come naturally to us. Now, your joy overflows and I join the praise of an awesome God that never disappoints even though He takes us on a road that we will never choose at our own. Great is thy faithfullness ! Praise to His Name !
Psalm 78:3-5

sibi said...

Chanced upon your blog. Good work! Keep posting!

B♦P fashion said...

cool blog :)

S said...

Your blog is beautiful!

Unknown said...

Nice blog!
I am Christ follower as well! I do art inspired by him :)
God bless you!