I'm trying to make a BIG decision about our Growing Our Own Garden blog. When we found out we were expecting, I created a private blog for our immediate family to watch the progress of Baby Knight, the growth of Mommy's belly, our plans for decorating the nursery. This means I have THREE blogs!!! I already have enough trouble keeping up with my original two blogs and now that school is getting ready to start and for the fact that my life is about to change in a HUGE way, I'm not sure I can keep up with three.
My dilemma is that Growing Our Own Garden has helped me through SOOOO much. I've shared heartache, struggles, triumphs, prayers, thoughts, etc on this little ole blog and I just can't stand the thought of not having it any longer. Not to mention all the FABULOUS blogger friends and support I've received too!
What are your thoughts? Should I switch over to our private blog? Should I have this blog printed out in book form (and if so, I'd love suggestions on companies you've used for this)? Should I just leave it for now and keep it active?
I'm not quite sure exactly what I should do, I just know that I definitely won't be able to keep up with all three blogs soon!
Edit: After receiving a few comments, I realized I wasn't clear when talking about my private blog. I would definitely make my private blog public so everyone can share in our excitement, blessings, AND joy!
A Winter Break Family Getaway
3 days ago
Congratulations!!! So happy for you. I have never commented on your blog before. I stop by every once and awhile and check . I am thrilled for you. I hope you keep the blog so we can enjoy seeing and hearing about your bundle of joy. So many have prayed for you along your journey. Please don't block us out on your blessings. I wish you all the best. I would be sad if I couldn't see and read how you feel now that your dreams are coming true. I have sat and read your blog in the past and cried for you. I'm sure I would cry tears of joy for you when your baby is born. I don't understand why you wouldn't share joy. The world needs more joy.
if you decide to drop this blog, i definitely recommend printing it out in book form (i have no recommendations though because i haven't done it)but please find some way to keep us in the loop so we can pray for you and be excited with you along the way.
i'll be praying that the Lord will lay the perfect solution on your heart and that you'll have total peace along the way!
i am so excited for you!! (((hugs)))
Definitely don't go private! I was over the moon to learn you were pregnant and am so excited to read your updates! I'm just so happy for you!
Perhaps print this one off! I would love to continue to follow you on your journey to Baby Knight - see the nursery, etc.
I agree, don't go private!! I've followed and prayed for so long and now I can't wait to hear all about this special blessing that we have helped pray into your arms!! :)
I agree, don't go private! I have followed and prayed for so long and now I am so very anxious to follow along and hear all about this very special blessing that we have helped pray into your arms!!
So very elated for you! What a mighty God we serve! All praise and glory be given to HIM!
I would say print this one off (I've used blog2print a couple of times and was happy with my books) and make your private blog public. We'd love to experience your pregnancy with you!
Lianna, I am so happy for you and your husband on excepting your first bundle of joy! I have followed your journey for a couple of years and I would be sad know to be able to follow some parts ( the parts you are willing to share) of your journey. Although I would understand if you need to go private. I will continue to pray for you!
I have used Shutterfly.com before to make a photo book, I don't know how it would work thought to print this off. I'm sure the memories will be nice to keep.
God Bless, Laura
For sure print this one. I would then just switch the private one to public so everyone can keep with you and your pregnant. Im so so so excited for you!
New chapter in your life deserves a new blog....go for it!
I would be so sad not to see all the progress and baby bump photos :) I hope you can keep this blog.
You are starting a new chapter in your life, so I would print this blog and close the book on this blog :) I always use blog2print to print out my blogs. Now it's time to focus on your pregnancy and all the joy that's going to bring! I would love to keep reading about that!!!!
I would love to keep up with your pregnancy and pray for you! I hope you will share that with us! I use Blurb.com to print my blog. You can sync it and then edit and print. Great quality and inexpensive!
I would love to continue with you on this journey, but understand you must do what you have to do! I have used Blub to print blog to book!
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