Thursday, December 22, 2011

Heavenly Prize...

The day after we received the news that our pregnancy would not be moving foward, I received this devotional/verse:

"No, dear brothers and sisters, I have not achieved it, but I focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking foward to what lies ahead, I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God is calling us." Phillipians 3:13-14

My heart may be broken right now because my plan didn't come to fruition...but I must realize that it isn't MY plan. I have grown stronger, more sensitive to others, grateful for my blessings, and thankful for my family and friends because of this journey.

We will receive our heavenly's only a matter of time!


Unknown said...

Praying so hard for you two right now! You are a true inspiration to me, Lianna! Your upbeat, optimistic spirit is something to be admired.

I hope you do have a Merry Christmas and keep the faith that you WILL get your heavenly prize!

Ashley said...

It is sooo hard to trust and believe in His plan sometimes, especially when things don't go according to our plan! But ignore that doubt in the back of your mind and believe that one day this miracle will happen!

Hang in there ;)

Jessie said...

Praying for you today. Your trust in Him will truly be rewarded.He is being made famous by your willingness to share. You are an inspiration. Merry Christmas!!!

Kendra said...

Oh heart just breaks all over for you. I am so so so sorry. Your ability to focus on God's promises right now is amazing. You are so faithful. May He bless you richly for your desire to please Him.

We've seen many, many miracles throughout bloggerland where women get pregnant and bring precious babies into this world. God is faithful. I know you will be a mother one day, and I can't wait to celebrate with you!

meg said...

I was thinking of you this morning on my drive home and praying for you ... I have no clue where or how but I hope God's strength and grace continue to cover you up, especially as the holidays approach. I know it must be so hard and you'll have a very different Christmas morning than you were hoping for, but I pray you have a wonderful day full of blessings and family, and I pray that one day many years from now you will look back and see the bigger plan and it will all make a little more sense.

Britney said...

Amen! God has GREAT things in store for you, Lianna!

The Laney Family said...

I just wanted to speak up and tell you that I have been following you and praying for you for years now. I have walked in your shoes and I know the pain and feelings of loss. I just want to commend you for your upbeat attitude and your trust and faith in our Lord. Our God is greater!!!! (on a side note...I had similar miscarriages during IVF...very early losses). My husband, who is an M.D., put his foot down and made the doctors do a full thrombosis panel... Come to find out a lot of people lose early if thier blood is too thick to get to the embryo. They found that I had a lupus anticoagulant antibody and a protein s deficiency. Both of which do not affect my every day life, but did not allow blood to flow to the embryo. I always tell my friends that are going through IVF to put your foot down to have the panel ran. I know this is unasked for advice, and you probably have already had this done...but just felt prompted to tell you! Praying hard for you and your family.

The Laney Family said...

I guess I should also add that another round of IVF and adding shots of heparin to thin my blood helped us to get pregnant with twins...a boy and a girl.... God WILL work miracles for you.... I just know it!

Anonymous said...

I can not thank you adequately for the posts on your web site. I know you'd put a lot of time and effort into them and hope you know how much I appreciate it. I hope I'll do exactly the same for someone else at some point.

Jaime W said...

I just came across your blog. I just wanted to encourage you to keep believing that God has a plan in all of this. My husband and I tried and tried to get pregnant but could not. We finally did get pregnant the fall of 2008 but I miscarried. Soon after my doctor told me that I could continue to try but to understand that I would never be able to carry the child very long. I eventually would have to have a complete hysterectomy which was carried out in 2009. I was previously married years ago and thank God that I was allowed to have a son who is healthy and 13 years old now. But soon after the birth of my son I began experiencing many health issues much like yours. 8 years later I meet the man of my dreams who has no children of his own and now I cannot give him any. It took me a quite a while to not feel like a failure and to believe that God has a plan in all of this. I still don't know what that is but I do know I will see my little one in heaven someday. I did not post all of that to assume it will not happen for you but just to encourage you that your journey to a child may seem tough but He has a reason for it.

Android apps development said...

It took me a quite a while to not feel like a failure and to believe that God has a plan in all of this. I still don't know what that is but I do know I will see my little one in heaven someday.

Blondee said...

I just found your blog and am so sorry to read of such sadness. I lost a pregnancy at almost 5 months and it was the hardest thing I have ever endured. It was hard to remain faithful to His plan, knowing my heart wanted it so badly NOW. Prayers of comfort and hope for you.