This last week has been one filled with excitement, happiness, and joy! It seems as if everything we have been waiting for has been (FINALLY) falling into place.
Through faith and patience, you will see God’s promises come to pass in your life.
We have been spending the past week working on our adoption book and it has been so fun reminiscing about our childhood, wedding, vacations, etc.
One of the agencies we plan to work with has been in touch with our Social Worker and I actually dropped off our home study to them yesterday.
If you will stay in faith, God will always complete what He started in you.
I had a terrible time sleeping last night because I am so excited to be completing our application with this agency T.O.M.O.R.R.O.W!!! We will officially start the adoption process at 11:00 a.m. when we meet with this agency.
Please say a prayer for us as we start this is our dream come true.
“Get ready! This is the day the Lord will give you victory!”~Judges 4:14