Thursday, May 26, 2011

A WAY Overdue Update!!!

A really good blogger friend of mine, sent me an email this morning to check in on's been FOREVER since I've blogged!!! I have just been busy with work, family, and well, just LIFE!!!

My parents and grandparents have been in town for the past week, so I'm also trying to soak up every single minute with them possible :)

I did want to give a quick update on our adoption and fertility journey.

Our application fee is PAID and I ordered our adoption/life picture book yesterday. So we are moving forward with the adoption process and I couldn't be happier. Not to brag, BUT, we spent so much time on our adoption/life picture book that I can't imagine a birth mother not choosing us :) In all seriousness, I think our book is the perfect reflection of our lives, marriage, and who we are. I am so anxious for it to arrive so I can submit it to the agency. Once that is done, we will officially be ready for a birth mother to choose us. SO EXCITING!!!

We are also moving forward with our last IVF treatment. I FEEL as if my body is doing great with the new colitis medicaiton I have been taking and am scheduled for another colonoscopy next week, June 1. If my gastrointerologist gives us the green light, we'll be starting our IVF treatment immediately.

Who knows...we may be blessed DOUBLE this year! Wouldn't that be a blessing???

Monday, May 2, 2011

His Timing...

Yet again, God spoke DIRECTLY to me through this devotional...
“My times are in Your hand...”~Psalm 31:15
God doesn’t always work on our timetable. In fact, He rarely does. But in a single moment, God can change your life! All throughout Scripture, we see examples of how God was working behind the scenes and instantly turned things around for His people. Scripture tells us He is the same yesterday, today and forever which means He can instantly turn things around for you, too!

You may be going through some difficulty today, but be encouraged because your times are in God’s hands. He wants to accelerate things in your favor. He wants to take you further than you dreamed possible and work in your life in ways beyond what you have ever ima

Let this truth sink down into your heart today. Resist discouragement by speaking His Word over your future. Keep standing. Keep hoping; keep believing because He is working behind the scenes. He’s going to accelerate your times and lead you into the life of victory He has for you!

Believing it!!!